Sergiy Butenko

Sergiy Butenko, Texas A & M University     2017-07-21 10:47:47

Session topic: To be announced

Session chairman: Sergiy Butenko, the Professor of Industrial and Systems Engineering in Texas A & M University, and he is Donna and Jim Furber’ 64 Faculty Fellow in Industrial and Systems Engineering, the Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Global Optimization, the Editorial Board Member of Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, Optimization Letters, Computational Management Science, Energy Systems, and Computational Social Networks. His research interests include discrete and global optimization, methods for network-based analysis of big data, graph theory, applications in biological, social, and financial networks, wireless ad hoc and sensor networks, transportation, materials, energy, and sports analytics. Prof. Sergiy Butenko has published more than 80 academic papers in Operations Research, Mathematical Programming, INFORMS Journal on Computing and other international journals.

Title: Network-based Optimization Techniques for Wind Farm Location Decisions

Abstract: This talk deals with the problem of finding appropriate locations for wind farms that maximize the overall energy output, while controlling the effects of wind speed variability. High wind speeds are required to get the maximum possible power output in a wind farm. On the other hand, one needs to balance the wind energy supplies over time by selecting diverse locations. These issues are addressed using network-based models. Real-life wind speed data are utilized to demonstrate the advantages of the proposed approach.

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